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Do not underestimate the benefits of longan fruit for health

Longan fruit benefits for health is not small. Thanks to its nutritional content, this sweet little fruit is believed to strengthen the body's resistance and reduce inflammation. Longan called Latin Dimocarpus longan Lour is a type of fruit that thrives in tropical regions of Asia. This fruit is found in China, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia. By the Indonesian people, longan fruit is generally consumed directly or in the form of processed fruit soup and canned fruit. Not only tastes sweet and refreshing, this fruit also holds many health benefits that cannot be underestimated.

Myriad Benefits of Longan Fruit

In a portion of longan fruit (about 50-100 grams) contained about 150-250 calories. This fruit, which is rich in antioxidants polyphenols and flvonoids, also contains a variety of other nutrients, such as:
  • Fiber.
  • Water.
  • Protein or amino acids.
  • Minerals, including calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, and potassium.
  • Vitamins, such as vitamin B and vitamin C.
The amount of nutrients contained in longan fruit will certainly be beneficial for your health. The following are some benefits of longan fruit that you can get:

1. Maintain body weight

Calories are one of the factors that determine weight. If you are overweight and want to achieve ideal body weight, one way you can do is to reduce foods that are high in calories, such as white rice, cakes, ice cream, and fast food. Instead, you can make longan fruit as part of your diet, because this fruit does not contain many calories. In 100 grams of longan fruit, there are only about 200 calories. In addition, the fiber content in longan can also make the body feel full longer. This can prevent you from snacking and help maintain your weight.

2. Increase endurance

The benefits of longan fruit are good for maintaining endurance thanks to the high antioxidant and vitamin C content in it. Both of these nutrients play a role in making white blood cells work better, and help relieve inflammation. When white blood cells work well, the body can fight off bacteria and viruses that cause infections. Thus, the body will not easily fall ill.

3. Counteract the effects of free radicals

Free radicals can accumulate in the body if they are often exposed to toxic substances, prolonged sunlight, or pollution, such as cigarette smoke and motor vehicles. If the amount is too much, free radicals can trigger damage to the body's cells that over time the risk of causing various health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. To prevent continued organ damage from free radicals, the body needs to consume antioxidants to counteract the effects of free radicals. One fruit that is rich in antioxidants is longan fruit.

4. Maintain eye and skin health

Because of its nutritional and antioxidant content, longan fruit is also beneficial for maintaining healthy eyes and skin. In the eye, antioxidants and vitamin C can reduce inflammation, prevent damage to the eye, and reduce the risk of eye diseases related to aging, such as cataracts and macular degeneration. While on the skin, the nutrients contained in longan fruit is useful for preventing premature aging and helps the skin produce collagen. This substance plays a role to form the strength and flexibility of the skin.

Things to Look For When Eating Longan Fruit

Before consuming longan fruit, make sure you have washed it clean. Also choose fruit that is in good condition, intact, does not change color, and does not rot. If you take it immediately without cleaning, germs or harmful substances that may be left in the fruit can cause disease when it enters your body. In addition, you also need to be careful if you are undergoing certain medications or suffering from a disease, such as diabetes. This is because longan fruit contains quite a lot of sugar. Eating too much longan fruit risk making blood sugar soars, thereby aggravating diabetes. If you want to consume longan fruit regularly, you should consult with your nutritionist first. When consulting, you can get information about how many servings of longan fruit are safe for consumption.


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